Banner background showing Harvard walking bridge during the Fall.

Welcome to the Schiffer Lab

The Schiffer Lab works at the intersection of fundamentals & applications, experiment & theory, and techno-economics & lab-scale demonstrations. Our goal is to move towards a more sustainable future for the chemical, energy, and manufacturing industries through research combining multiple science and engineering areas.

What do we do?

In our lab, we focus on developing sustainable routes for chemical processes. In particular, we look at using renewable electricity to drive chemistry by combining electrochemical, photochemical, and thermochemical systems to achieve our goals.

Equally as important as our scientific results are the methods by which we reach them. We believe in research founded on inclusive and open dialogue between researchers that leads to innovation and sustainable progress.

Electrochemical cell with depictions of voltage versus temperature versus pressure versus sunlight. Sustainable chemical synthesis. Societal motivations and impacts. Scientific dialogue & advancement.

Learn more about our group

Character choices from Nintendo Mario Kart representing the whole team.

Our Team

The heart of our lab is our group members. Learn more about them here!

Schematics of research related images such as free energy landscapes, electrochemical cells, et cetera.

Our Research

Want to learn more about what we do and how we do it? Check out our research page with more details on the various projects going on in our lab.

Nintendo Mario Kart cart selection screen with question mark highlighted in middle to suggest you could be next important part of the lab.

Join Us

Interested in joining our lab? We are always excited to talk to interested students and encourage you to reach out!

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